Thursday, June 30, 2011


Hey monstro-bros, I'm changing the rules a little for subscriptions. Current members get the same deal: all original artwork.
NEW members get signed prints,a membership card, and any specials (joke book, stickers) for a $25 dollar subscription. AND if you sign up now, I'll include my new goth single dedicated to Eddie Munster. If you're still interested in receiving original artwork, let's negotiate something.
Meanwhile, here are some trading cards current members got as part of the Creatures of H.P. Lovecraft edition!
(P.S.-these only look stylistically different because I scanned them differently-you're all getting the same batch)

"The Call of Cthulhu"

"The Whisperer in Darkness"


More to be posted soon!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Tentacle Fetish

Sunday Night Interruptions
A watercolor postcard commission for an awesome artist who eventually became a Monster of the Month Dis-Member! Check out his flickr.
What? You want to become a Dis-Member,too? Well blobs and ghouls, you oughtta SUBSCRIBE NOW! New subscribers get a signed copy of the new song by Dreams in the Witch House, dedicated to lycanthropic dream-boy Eddie Munster!

Random Sea-Assortment

Except for the monster from Terrorvision, which isn't a sea monster but does hang out in an indoor pool!